Monday, December 10, 2012

what I did at home

On Monday the 10th of December I played in mums grande with my tractors and trailers we have some morning tea then we went and play in the tree and bosh " dad is coming Stanley and Danni "said as I slip and fall down Stanley tried hiding at the bottom of the bosh but Dad saw Stanley at the bottom then we went inside and wright a letter to Santa.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Holiday story - term 4

We do our jobs around the house.
"Right," said mum."I'm going to feed the calf."
So we say home with until Dad goes to work. So until Dad goes to work we do our jobs. Then it's time to go and Dad said.
So we stop what we are doing and hop in the car with almighty speed. 
Suddenly I see our car. Then finally I had a leap out of the car. We got up to Tom's farm to feed the calf and Tom and Ben were leading their calves around the paddock. At one calf shed there was a hay bale and Stanley, Tom, Ben, Alex, Danni and I were jumping off same bales and nearly touching the roof. 
Alex did it and winded him self by hitting the bail on his tummy and bumped back. Then we had to go back to wash the calf feeders. Then it was time to go home.
On the way home I played on my psp. We got home and then I played with my loge.   

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fun things to do

Dad, can I came to get a load of logs? We got 3 loaded. 
"There is Neil," I say to Mum. "How do you know that?"
"Because there is Logan."
We go and look. A truck was ripping around the Manfeild park. Then a lambergenie was ripping around the track. We go and get some food to eat. We go and watched the car races. 
"I'm going to look at all the trucks." 
I went inside and looked at the trucks and then I found a stock car, number 6p, on the trailer.
We get back home and we cook dinner. Ready! We set the table for Fathers day and we then eat dinner. After Dad opened his presents. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Are yous coming to drive the mini stock? 
We zip outside.Yvonne was first to drive the mini stock. Dad took Travis around the lawn. Dad took Derek around the lawn. 
When he went around the corner and ripped up the lawn. Then Stanley went around the lawn. Finally it is my turn to go. I took the gear lever up to 2nd. Travis drove it around the lawn. At first Derek did not wan't to go and in the end Derek went around the lawn. Then after Derek, dad put the mini stock on the trailer for the rest of the day. 
That night Dad and Stanley worked on the mini stock. They cut some of the mud guard off and used it for the lights. They screwed it onto the back of the trailer. All we have to do to the mini stock trailer is the ramp to get on and off with. Next we need to paint the mini stock.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

If any body has any tools to donate to the school, such as hammers, nails, spades and saws. We will be very much appreciated.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our 5 th hockey game

We turned up ready to practice hockey. We go for a run. Then we get told our position. We start playing hockey.
At half time it was 5-1. We have nice juice; orange.
We get told our position again. We start playing. At full time it is 5-2. We get a treat because we won against Hunterville. 

Holiday fun

Jack, are you ready to go yet? 
We leave home. We are on our way to Levin. 
So what am I doing today?
When grand had finish on the daising marsh. I had to cut a hole in the bags to drain the stuff out. 
On Wednesday some friends came around. Wednesday night dad, mum, Stanley and Danni stayed up in Aunty Cathie's and in the bus but Stanley stayed at a friend's house. 
On Thursday we started digging holes. Dad left us to do the work and he goes inside. 
On Saturday a truck comes in and delivers fire wood.